Commercial Property Specialists

Find the perfect commercial real estate in Chicago with Anchor Realty Group, Inc. as your real estate professional - 773-768-8300

Whether you're obtaining new office space for the first time, needing to change locations or expanding, at Anchor Realty Group, Inc., my goal is to help you find the perfect commercial property for you. When buying commercial property, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Retirement fund - Think appreciation! As you acquire equity, it will help fund your retirement.
  • Fixed costs - Locking in your mortgage rate will keep you from being subject market variations, like if you'd leased.
  • Tax deductions - Business expenses are an additional source of income at the end of the year, and purchasing a commercial property is a large deduction.
  • Autonomy - When you own your property, you've got control over your own build-out, without clearing anything through a property manager.
  • Additional income - Renting space from within your building is another great source of income.

The items listed above just scratch the surface when thinking about making an investment in office space. We'll also need to dive into specifics such as: How much parking do you need? Do you need a warehouse? What ceiling height you require? Do you need a large or small conference room? Or, do you only need one small office with a lobby? By combining salient details about your business with my expert knowledge of the local market, you'll gain maximum benefit from your commercial real estate investment. Call 773-768-8300 for a consultation today.